Main » 2010 » April » 19 » Lazy Scanlator Guide: Cropping and clean a douple page. Draft #2
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Lazy Scanlator Guide: Cropping and clean a douple page. Draft #2
To crop and clean a douple page. 

There are of course multiple ways to use for cropping and cleaning a difficult page as this. All with their own advantages. What's here is the fastest way I know. Doing like this twists artwork a little bit if perspective crop is involved so I would call result of this example as medium quality.
If you want HQ, do copy&paste to new layers by transformed selections (Make selection. Then "Select>Transform Selection") or with rectangular crop.

I'm using "Demon Hunter Eton v4 p008" as example.

First make draw a crop area about right size.

Then rotate and stretch crop area to more or less cover the page.

If  just rotating didn't work, you need to use perspective. Enable perspective cropping.

You can now reshape crop area by moving it's corners.

Then crop. Perspective crop usually performs well. (If it doesn't and artwork get's twisted, you will just have to crop the hard way. Read from the hard way at the bottom of the page.)

Now copy cropped image. Do "step backward" twice (ctrl+alt+z) so that you get back to uncropped image. And paste (ctrl+v). You now have cropped page in a new layer.

Move cropped page aside and proceed to crop and paste other page same way.

Then turn background invisible so that it won't distract you. Or turn it to white or black if you prefer. As long as I can see edges of the cropped pages clearly.

Ups. They don't match! Perspective is a bit stupid so prepare to scale the pages to same size.

Make sure you have aspect ratio on!

Hmm. It seem we are missing some artwork.

We need a background. In this case black background is best.

Crop it.
Tadaa! Cropped like a pro.

- - - - -

Now let's clean this pic!
There's no need to keep pages in layers anymore. Flatten image. (It makes cutting easier.)

Level image. You could of course have leveled image before cropping too. I leveled this one with [80 1,23 225]. (If you wish to level some part of the image differently then rest, cut and paste it to new layer.)

Now get rid of the spine dirt. Switch to proper background color, select and cut (ctrl+x).

Just go wild... If it looks like trash or you feel image would be better without it then cut it away.

Time to save.


Redraw. Do you wish to edit even further? 
Notice that what's described above is the easy and fast way.  As I said before, use of perspective crop will twist the image. So if you want to spent time and effort to redraw then you should use normal rotated rectangular crop instead of perspective or use selection to copy and rotate pages. Clean away what's not part of the page as in part 8, and then redraw (in this case) triangular spine:

Redrawing is basically easy. You use Photoshop clone tool to take artwork from elsewhere the page and paste it to empty place. Remember that "clone tool" can also copy artwork from different layer. So you can copy part of the page to new layer and rotate, flip or stretch it.
Nevertheless redrawing is usually time consuming. And requires some artist skills (which I lack as you can see from example pic).

- -

As for resize. If you wanna scanlate in the easy way, then leave picture so big that it won't need any filters for it's pixel textures. For Eton, minimum image size would therefore be around 2300px height.

Views: 1165 | Added by: Kickthekitty

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